Full Fibre FAQs

Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions related to our Full Fibre service.

If you have any questions that aren't on the list, please feel free to contact us!

We will continue to review and add to this guide!

Can I use my own router?

While our fibre router is required as a part of your connection, it is possible to put this in "bridge mode" to enable your own router to handle your internal network.

To enable this, please contact us.

Can I have a static/fixed IP address?

We can assign a fixed IP address to your connection for £5 per month for residential customers; business customer may have one free fixed IP address.

I am on a 1000/900Mbps package, will I get those high speeds on a single device?

This is unlikely due to numerous factors including the capabilities of the device itself; few typical devices are able to reach such high speeds.

The aim of our higher speed fibre broadband packages is to enable multiple devices to carry out bandwidth-intensive tasks like downloads or gaming at the same time.

What affects my Wi-Fi speeds?

Various factors can affect Wi-Fi speed and the quality of your signal: the size of your home, the number of floors, thick internal walls, interference from electrical equipment, bodies of water, certain metal-based objects, your connected device’s distance from the router and even where your router is placed.

Why is it smart?

Smart Wi-Fi intelligently switches from one Wi-Fi node to another to give you the strongest and fastest signal throughout your home. This means you don’t need Wi-Fi extenders, and County Broadband recommend you remove any Wi-fi extenders before installing your Smart Wi-Fi equipment as they may cause interference and impact its performance.


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