Fibre Router Features Guide

This guide explains some actions you can undertake via your fibre router's web interface.

An "Advanced" guide is also available for more complex configurations or actions that may affect the functioning of your connection.

Access Router

  1. Open a web browser such as Google Chrome
  2. Navigate to
  3. Log in with the following details
  • Username: cbb
  • Password: cbb

Change Router Login Password

  1. Navigate to “My Account” at the top of the page
  2. Click the “edit” button in the top right corner
  3. Enter the current password, and the password you would like to change to
  • You do not need to inform us that you have changed your router’s password

Remotely Reboot Router

  1. Navigate to “Tools” at the top of the page
  2. Click the “reboot” button

Remotely Reset Router

  1. Navigate to “Tools” at the top of the page
  2. Click the “restore” button beside “Restore default settings”
  • Please be aware that this will remove any configurations and settings in place on the router including any phone services configured on the router itself

Configuring Parental Settings

  1. Navigate to “Security” at the top of the page

Internet Access Times

  1. Click “Create Parental Rule” under “Parental Control”
  2. Enter a name for the rule beside “Rule name”
  3. Either select the device you would like to apply the rule to from the drop down list labelled “Device”, or enter the device’s MAC address below this
  4. Beside “Blocked time slot”, select the days you would like the rule to be in place
  5. Set “Begin time” to the time you would like the Internet to begin being blocked on the device
  6. Set “End time” to the time you would like the block to be removed from the device

URL Filtering

  1. Click “Create URL Rule” under “URL Filter”
  2. Enter the URL of the webpage you wish to block beside “Webpage URL”
  3. If you wish to prevent a particular device from accessing this site, enter the device’s MAC address beside “MAC association”

Viewing Physically Connected Devices

  1. Navigate to “LAN” to the left of the page
  2. Open the “Devices” tab

Viewing Devices Connected by WiFi

  1. Navigate to “Wi-Fi” to the left of the page
  2. Open the “Devices” tab

Changing WiFi SSID and Password; Disabling WiFi

  1. Navigate to “Wi-Fi” to the left of the page
  2. Open the “Characteristics” tab
  3. Click the “edit” button in the top right corner
  4. Under “Primary network”, set the SSID and Password fields to those you wish to change to
  5. To disable WiFi, toggle “Enable network”
  • 8 Users Found This Useful
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